
Welcome to Elias Goes Digital!

First off, thanks so much for stopping by! Here, you can find some information about me and also some blog posts that will focus on how the new digital age has intervened in the way we do a multitude of things. For me information about me, click “ABOUT ME” above and for my blog, click “BLOG” above. Hope you have a great time!

Check out my blogs:

My Proudest Post

Over the duration of my time in this course, I was challenged with taking the topics that we learned in class and taking them further. Throughout my post, I had a common theme: mental health and all that it can encompass. At times it was the deep self reflection that I needed, and at other…


BLACK LIVES MATTER so you should post a black square on social media. LGBTQ+ should be treated with equal respect, so you should wear rainbow sunglasses and use a rainbow filter and post it on social media. Mental Health matters, so make sure you include the hashtag “#mentalhealthawarenessday”. Don’t forget to make yourself a part…

The Rise of Viral Mental Health Meme’s.

In my Blog, “Are We Mainstreaming Mental Health”, I discussed the emerging presence of mental health memes on social media, and online as a whole. By now, you can probably tell that the common idea that I focus on in my blog posts is mental health, and that is because I am on my own…

Clinging to What’s Left.

I often find myself searching for my mother’s profile on Facebook just to see her post and all those that are still honoring her memory on her timeline. To see her pictures and all the funny things she would post and also reading her encouraging comments she would leave on every single post of mine.…

“You’re Fake News!”

Imagine how easily someone could invalidate you or your work by calling it fake. Now you and your work have this hanging gloom over you because no some people believe that you and the work you produced are no longer legitimate. If that’s the case, any person who dares to say something hurtful or contrary…


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